Type 2 Diabetes Management
"Managing Diabetes is like swimming in glue" - Anonymous (1980)
Type 2 Diabetes is the most common metabolic disorders affecting Americans today. In the Southern US, some 8-14% of the population has diabetes. about 95% of this is type 2 diabetes mellitus. This type of diabetes occurs when insulin production falls below the amount required to control the blood glucose, like all forms of diabetes, but in Type 2 diabetes insulin requirements increase because of obesity and/or stress. To many people, a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is not made until about 50% of the insulin-making capacity has been lost, and their bodies may require two to three times as much insulin as lean people.
In Type 2 Diabetes, insulin production by the pancreas continues to fall unless blood glucose is very tightly controlled. So more medicine or insulin is required over time, unless good blood glucose control.